Pembroke College, Cambridge, CB2 1RF

The Registrar
European Court of Human Rights
Council of Europe

9 February 2001

Dear Sir or Madam

During the meeting of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society on Saturday 25 November 2000, the society democratically decided to revoke the right to freedom of speech for one of its members, Miss Jennifer Davies.

I enclose a copy of the minutes of the meeting in question and would like to draw your attention to item 48, which records the motion in question. Following this, we attempted to remedy the situation by consuming copious amounts of tea and cake. However this did not reinstate Miss Davies' right and therefore we feel we should take ourselves to the court of human rights.

Obviously, if the case were to be taken to court we would be happy to represent ourselves and also Miss Davies.

Thank you for your time and trouble in dealing with this complaint. Should you require more information please do not hesitate to contact us or attend one of our Elevenses Meetings (held every Saturday of Full Term).

Yours faithfully

Owen Barritt
Foreign Secretary

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