Held in the Hogshead alehouse, Rickmansworth, shortly after 19:00.
Present: Ben, Kirsten, Jon.
Apologies: none

  1. The meeting is opened by the President, with the words, “This is ridiculous.”

  2. We discuss the significance of Rickmansworth and its appearances in poetry and prose. This doesn’t take long: however it does lead us onto the subject of Vogon poetry, which Jon quotes at length and for which he is duly censured: F., 2, Ag., 1, Abs., 0; carried.

  3. It is Kirsten’s weekend.

  4. An illegible note records that at this point Kirsten and Jon somethinged “tart tart tart,” or something about that length and shape. The editor invites comments…

  5. Ben refuses to snog Kirsten, despite being, “the good-looking one”.

  6. Kirsten can read Jon’s writing. He finds this truly worrying.

  7. Jon quotes Eeyore by way of a reading: “Well, we can’t all, and some of us don’t. That’s all there is to it.”

  8. We censure Ben for gratuitous Python (there’s always one, isn’t there!): F., 2, Ag., 0, Abs., 1; carried.

  9. Ben: “everybody’s got a novel in them. Maybe that’s navel.”

  10. Jon goes off to buy beer and gets ‘entangled in a woman’. [It’s really time I stopped doing them. I mean that. Oh arse. I’ll shut up now. Ed.]

  11. Jon returns: the woman was apparently one Liz, who gave him his bar job at Durrants and later walked out. So that’s all right then.

  12. Help! NARG-ing!

  13. Kirsten hijacks Jon’s hyphen.

  14. We vote to close and go and get Chinese: F., 3, Ag., 0, Abs., 0; carried.

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 1998.

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