Minutes of the Elevenses Meeting, 05/06/99

Held in: R4, Pembroke College, Cambridge.
Present: Ben, Mad Jenny, Anfoni, Jon, Kirsten, Benedict, Jeremy, Martin, Yasmin, Chris, Jenny.
Apologies: Richard, Claire.
Guests: Becky, Gina.

  1. The meeting is opened while Jon makes tea.

  2. The story is told of someone who was given Saturday's paper on Friday and then had to be 'contained'.

  3. Mad Jenny insists that Yasmin minute that she's nice: it goes to a vote, F., 7, Ag. 1, Abs., 1; carried!

  4. Last week's minutes are read: they were done by Yasmin, and get criticised so much that she lets Jon take over this week.

  5. Gina arrives having been served un-coffee by Alex Cairns, so that she badly needs fortification with tea.

  6. Reports are reported that Ben has been out-camping Micheal: Ben says, "Well, I think he won, but then he does it for a living and I only do it for a hobby."

  7. Vote that the visitors be allowed to vote: F., 6, Ag., 3, Abs., 3; carried.

  8. The Economy Tart Joke is made.

  9. Due to being impressed by a sensibly-opening pie box, Chris eats more cakes than Jenny.

  10. Jon finally achieves the state of having made tea for everyone.

  11. The coasters are produced, resulting in cries of "Blimey O'Reilly!"

  12. Eggs are discussed: Jenny tells stories of drive-by egging from her mispent youth.

  13. "You can't make an Omma late without breaking eggs." I refuse to give the background to this appalling pun. Suffice to say it was Ben's fault.

  14. The discussion of lecturer bingo leads to a distressing old-school conversation between Jon and Ben, which is stopped.

  15. Ben confuses people by describing a gurney.

  16. It is suggested that we rename the Society to the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Graduate Society: this provokes the question, 'how do you winnie a graduate?' No-one knows.

  17. Jon leaves the room and returns to hear Anfoni saying, "What interesting things you can do with an octopus."

  18. The mating habits of octopi and mites are discussed.

  19. Jeremy walks around.

  20. "Newt Gingrich!" announces Jonathan.

  21. We find ourselves discussing the political implications of Christianity, so Granny seizes the chance to drag the conversation onto Testaments.

  22. Anfoni reads the reply he has received from the Blues Committee: it is a refusal, but a very splendid one.

  23. Yasmin reads Claire's letters of apology: she sends hugs, but only to the appropriate people! This is much discussed.

  24. We discuss breastfeeding ethics.

  25. The Reading is, "In Which Christopher Robin leads an expotition to the North Pole": Anfoni plays Wol and Gina fills in as Emergency Eeyore.

  26. There will be an election for the post of Wol: Anfoni will have to pretend to be intelligent...

  27. Jon is showered with beer bottles.

  28. We vote to command Alison's usual sterling performance as Alexander Beetle: F., 11, Ag., 1, Abs., 1; carried.

  29. Mad Jenny's waveform collapses and she showers pens all over the floor.

  30. Benedict's strange noises cause much interest amid the Society.

  31. Ben tells us of being accosted by Oliver and Alden: he recalls, "just a wave of black washing over him."

  32. Jeremy - teaspoons - tablespoons - nuff said. We also consider Joy's tannin problem.

  33. Jeremy is no longer cheerful now! Oh dear! Jenny sets to finding out why and does so so effectively that he compliments her on her interrogation skills.

  34. Jon unilaterally reads 'Disobedience'.

  35. Kirsten asks Jeremy to marry her, and he refuses to answer: she gets offended and so he explains that he's never answered a marriage proposal ever. She does however force him to admit that no-one else has ever asked. Jenny, Becky, and Ben therefore immediately propose to him, and he is forced to refuse all of them so as not to upset Kirsten! Poor lad.

  36. Sex changes and children of uncertain gender are discussed: I'm not quite sure how. It's very hot in here, perhaps that's it...

  37. Jeremy is saying help for no very good reason.

  38. Ben and Jon insult each other to make sure they both get insulted this meeting.

  39. Next week's meeting will be in B3; Mad Jenny apologises in advance. There is a possibility we shall punt instead however.

  40. Chris is juggling at Strawberry Fayre in the procession!

  41. Just before we close the people in the corner form a non-vulgar splinter. They are, for the record, Jenny, Kirsten, Benedict and Martin, so we shall have to wtach them carefully this meeting.

  42. Vote to close: F., 7, Ag., 2, Abs., 4; meeting closed.

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 1999.

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