Minutes of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society Pancake Meeting held on Wednesday 5th March 2003 in 1, I and the staircase I kitchen, Library Court Jesus

Minuted by Rosy, Owen, Alison, John-h

Present: Rachel H, Rosy, Naath, Owen, Dunstan, Adam, Jack, Alison, Martin, John-h

Apologies: Rosie, Jenny, Roz, Jonathan, Katie, Ecstatic, Rachel C (retrospectively)

Love: Roz, Dunstan, Owen

  1. Meeting opened.

1 1/3.  Anyway, what? Passed

1 2/3.  Jack was going to make pancakes yesterday, but got to Sainsbury’s and realised everyone else had had the same idea.

  1. Is it one of the fiercer whisks? Passed.

  2. Making pancake batter- how many eggs?

  3. An enlightened society. We’re all sitting down (Rosy, Rachel, Naath, Alison), and the blokes are cooking.

  4. NatSci Computing.

  5. Cambridge rooms. (and how long they are)

  6. Naath decorates members of the Society with Peach Spice Tea.

  7. We should conduct an operation on the table.

  8. Votes to censure John-h for not bringing the Constitution. Carried

  9. The identity operation.

  10. We’ll translate the table into French. Carried (le table)

  11. Commend Naath for missing the Pooh Cook Book with the tea. Carried.

  12. Votes to censure Naath for 7. Carried.

  13. I think one that more chair per meeting is a bad idea. Martin (I don’t know, I’m just typing up!)

  14. Nursery chairs. Naath.

  15. Martin insults Alison’s handwriting, claiming that Rosy won’t be able to read this. (Oddly enough, that bit was extremely legible.)

  16. The apple juice is apple juice. Passed.

  17. We’re missing Rosy: Passed

  18. Votes that we were convinced that the Jaffa Cakes on Saturday were Sponge Fingers: Passed. (Hence victory to Sponge Fingers)

  19. The report by J. K. Holdforth (m.a.n.y. l.e.t.t.e.r.s.) into the differentiability of the Members of the Society is read out.

  20. Votes to commend Rachel’s mum for actually writing the report as mandated: Passed

  21. Adam: I’m not the tossing sort.

  22. Minute.

  23. "They must be insane": Carried (referring to mathmos calculating a problem with six integral signs.

  24. Owen’s not getting married, though he did mention it.

  25. Does it depend on which way up the world is?

  26. 60% of people in the UK thought genes were something only GM organisms have.

  27. Two (?Americans?) were looking up at the sky and one says to the other "Look at the stars. Did you know the Sun is a Star?" To which the other replies "Really? Which one?"

  28. John-h goes oil prospecting.

  29. Naath and Alison talk about education.

  30. Naath holds forth on useless parents and home schooling.

  31. Rachel’s shiny mug is like Neil’s head.

  32. Adam: "I’m not entirely experienced."

  33. If Neil is in love with John-h then John-h can’t be in unrequited love with Neil.

  34. Martin came, just for the company.

  35. Un chish un un un un chich chick: Passed

  36. We’re invading Iraq to solve our oil crisis: Passed

  37. It’s not quite tossing: Passed

  38. We’ll take care of ourselves at the end.

  39. Dunstan’s courageous fingers are courageously tossing.

  40. Look at the serrations on that.

  41. If maple syrup comes from maple trees, does golden syrup come from golden trees?

  42. Jack’s admiring Dunstan’s tossing.

  43. Martin decided his and Alison’s bikes were being too intimate today as his back mudguard was jammed in her front wheel. Ooer.

  44. We all still want one.

  45. Adam’s a useless tosser.

  46. The rest of the meeting: Hung CR will decide later.

  47. Owen is covered in oil.

  48. Dunstan is tossing.

  49. Not enough tossing joke

  50. What does the art of tossing require? Naath. We’re not going to minute the answer to that one.

  51. The Jif Lemon is a spoon. Passed

  52. Apparently we are decanting John-h and Naath.

  53. Naath has had everything.

  54. Naath is wrong. Hung. CR decides against.

  55. I’ve been goblin, don’t worry. Dunstan.

  56. "If Dunstan’s offering it I’ll take it." Alison: Passed (6 for including the lady herself)

  57. King Hilary and the Beggar man: Rachel with sound effects by John-h

  58. Alison thinks John-h and Dunstan are interchangeable.

  59. Naath reads Little Black Hen

  60. John-h likes it cold.

  61. John-h was just thinking about having a toss.

  62. Rachel’s noisy pancake.

  63. All our tossing might make the testaments dirty.

  64. CR decides for the rest of the meeting (but leaves anyway)

  65. The pancake in disguise.

  66. Dunstan wants to know who to give it to.

  67. John-h tosses onto Rachel’s plate.

  68. A change of position for Rachel.

  69. Owen’s large hole.

  70. "It’s a frying-pan John-h. Waving it at somebody’s neck is probably not a good plan."

  71. Canpake.

  72. That one is a canpake. Passed

  73. Roll up. Roll up. Roll up the canpake.

  74. They come here in wheelbarrows and go away in motorcars.

  75. Alison and Martin have apparently gone to bed.

  76. John-h tells Dunstan he is ready.

  77. Votes to ban undergraduates. Hung

  78. Jesus was founded in 1496. That answers (do you mean explains?) a lot.

  79. Dad du da dadu dada. (With accompanying hand-waving): Passed

  80. "How about some washing up?" Rosy

  81. "We don’t need any. We’ve got plenty" Owen

  82. John-h has been beaten by (or perhaps with?) a pancake.

  83. John-h - explainred.

  84. Who made God? Dunstan suggests William Blake.

  85. "It was the mice" Owen
    "They made God?" John-h
    "Possibly" Owen
    "Twice times" John-h
    "No, I can’t imagine more than once" Owen.

  86. Is Philip Schofield God?

  87. John-h - Lots of poems but I’ve failed to minute them all.

  88. Owen - The Knight Whose Armour Didn’t Squeak (An Epic by A A Milne)

  89. Naath - Jonathan Jo

  90. And more poems...

  91. ...

  92. ...

  93. ...

  94. ...

  95. ...

  96. ...

  97. ...

  98. ...

  99. Owen does a broom dance.

  100. Votes to close: Failed

  101. Votes to close: Passed

  102. Meeting reopened.

  103. Water John-h: Passed

  104. That was just "water John-h", not "pass water on John-h" as that wouldn’t be very nice.

  105. "Sieve" - Owen
    "The Holy Bible" John-h
    "No, definitely a sieve" Owen

  106. Rachel can even do it after a year and a half.

  107. The Holy Bible is not entirely letters.

  108. Dunstan’s Sainsbury’s letter is read.

  109. Dunstan should keep reading the Times and tell us if we get published.

  110. John-h is all ears.

  111. Dunstan tells us the Theory of PoohSoc Letters. We nod and grin as we feel it is appropriate.

  112. Reading: The Contradiction - Rachel, Rosy, Owen, Dunstan and John-h. (Bing-ing at the end of each line).

  113. "When we have been excited quite enough we bing"

  114. Votes to close. Passed.

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 2003.

Disclaimer: The views given on this page are those of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society and do not necessarily correspond to those of Pembroke College