Minutes of Elevenses Meeting of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society

In which they made a papier mache golden walrus pinata and hit it with leeks.

Held on Saturday 13th March in Will’s room, Grange Road

Present: Ignatius, Will, James, Alicia, Eor, Roseanna, Simon, Annie, Alex Atkins [via the internet].

  1. There is chocolate cake. It has been declared to be open.
  2. Will complains about chocolate.
  3. There is a “Brazilian Darkness”.
  4. They made a papier mache golden walrus pinata and hit it with leeks. Everyone knows /that/ Norse saga...
  5. There is spoon.
  6. Stop creaking damnit. 4-1-2-0.
  7. “Alicia, use the knife the other way around.”
  8. Mandate Will to strip. 2-2-2-1 CR- in favour.
  9. Previous minutes
  10. Simon enters.
  11. It should be noted that Will and Alicia are gay cats.
  12. Ignatius has no problems with furry sex so long as it doesn’t involve him
  13. Enter Annie.
  14. James goes to get the testaments.
  15. The president is telling Will to get off the secretary. 4-1-1-1 (I object to people muscling in on my molestation).
  16. DO NOT WANT. 3-3-1-0 CR in favour.
  17. We read NTII.
  18. Alicia must become a priest of the first reformed church of Will.
  19. Alex Atkins says “hello” via the internet.
  20. Sebastian paid Pooh Levy on Thursday.
  21. Eor reads a poem in Scots, from OTVII.
  22. Will is an abomination.
  23. Um.
  24. Ed has a bad son and a good son – who is now a CompSci.
  25. Annie’s son wasn’t gay enough for her husband.
  26. Close. 6-1-1-0.

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