Held in N4b.
PRESENT: Ben, Jon (late), Stephen, Andrew, Vicky (very late), Sibylle, Anthony, Lee of Benfield, Rob.
APOLOGIES: none -this is getting serious.
VISITORS: Jon's odd friend Brian.

  1. Vote to censure Jon for being late: F., 2, Ag., 2 Abs., 3; motion opened to visitors, and Brian votes in favour so Jon is censured.

  2. Ben has brought crumpets - exceptional value. 12 for the Twice of 8 at 39P!

  3. Rob begins the reading of last week's minutes in a strange accent.

  4. Sibylle goes red when Rob mentions Anthony.

  5. Jon arrives. and asks that we begin the heading of the minutes again: it goes to a vote, F., 2, Ag., 3, Abs., 3, motion defeated. Howevery it becomes clear that at least two people had no idea what was being voted on, and they say that if they had they'd have voted differently.

  6. Vote to overturn last votes F., 4, Ag., 0, Abs., 3; motion carried.

  7. Vote to restart reading of the minutes: F., 5, Ag., 1, Abs., 2; motion carried.

  8. The minutes are read again, still by Rob, in his normal voice this time.

  9. Apparently Anthony changes channels on his radio by taking his jumper off.

  10. The assembled company attempts to say "cake" in the manner of Andrew.

  11. Jon proposes that the rest of the meeting be held in a West Country accent: F., 3, Ag., 2, Abs., 3; motion carried. The reading continues.

  12. We find it difficult to choose between "0o-ar!" or "Aye!"

  13. Sibylle goes red again: "it's the tea!"

  14. Rob proposes that we switch accents to Welsh: F., 2, Ag., 2, Abs., 3; motion opened to the visitors, Brian votes against and the motion is defeated. West Country remains in force.

  15. Ben proposes that we stop the West Country accent as it's silly. Jon seconds him because it's a terrible strain on his eppiglottis. F., 5, Ag., 0, Abs., 2; motion carried.

  16. Ben proposes that we should stop censuring people but no-one will second him. Rob proposes that we censure Ben for stopping censuring People: F., 4, Ag., 1, Abs., 3; motion carried. In the President is not immune in this our citadel of democracy!

  17. Someone has stolen Jon's Jaffa Cake. Jon suspects Rob, but no-one owns up.

  18. Rob goes red at the mention of Anna.

  19. We finally finish the reading of the minutes.

  20. Jon is requested to e-mail the Minutes of the EGM to Ben again so that they can be webbed.

  21. Andrew returns from his kitchen with a saucepan.

  22. Anthony has "got two little-things." He suggests we becomea University Society, but this is felt to be insufficiently warm and cosy compared to staying within Pembroke.

  23. Andrew reports that he saw a train called D9000 in Hull; shockingly, Jon shows every sign of understanding what he's talking about! Rob spends much of the rest of the meeting going through Andrew's cupboards pulling out old spotter jotters and snickering in a patronising manner.

  24. We explain Poohsticks protocol to Anthony, who resolves to get an overland game under way as soon as possible.

  25. Anthony decries Kent on the grounds that it's near France.

  26. We vote to censure Ben again for the fun of it: F., 6, Ag., 1, Abs., 1.

  27. Lee frightens Jon with the mention of Jeremy Kutner: no-one else understands except Ben, and lucky for the rest, say I.

  28. Jon protests about Rob's allegations about Jon and Vicky, and it is officially minuted (by Rob) that Jon is "not telling us lots of things!?"

  29. Rob likes his bit of crumpet. We debate upon exactly who this would be.

  30. Ben is dangerously close to Andrew's lab-coat.

  31. Andrew apologises in advance for non-attendance at the A.G.M. No doubt D400 is doing a tour of the Darlington stock-yards, or something.

  32. Vicky arrives a full hour late. We vote to censure her, F., 6, Ag., 2 (Jon & Vicky - no surprises there...), Abs., 1; motion carried. She has forgotten the treasury, but that's all right because Ben has spent Lee's Pooh Levy already.

  33. Jon suggests that the way things are going, Rob would make a better James than Ben; that, or Trumpington. Ben therefore says he will stand down as James at the beginning of the AGM, in order to allow Hustings.

  34. We decide not to force all the AGM virgins to wear white after all.

  35. Jon makes a sneaky New Labour crack at Rob.

  36. The reading is, "In Which Piglet is entirely surrounded by Water", read, by Sibylle. For a short while all is thus peace and calm.

  37. Ben and Anthony sing Vic Reeves's "I'm a Believer" until everybody starts hitting them.

  38. Lee can't get it off, or so he tells Ben.

  39. Rob develops a significant cough when Jon and Vicky have a staring contest. Unfortunately, this is his normal cough, so now every time he coughs we all stop and look at him.

  40. Sibylle abandons her Piglet voice for medical reasons.

  41. Ben boots up on the floor.
  42. "It's so much more friendly with two."

  43. "Christopher Robin had thought of something to do with Kanga."

  44. Jon does a brief 'Sonic Attack' quote but Brian stops him.

  45. We close the meeting, (5/1/1) and open the Council of War.

  46. Ben announces an early victory by reporting the resignation of a Sheila (spit) member.

  47. We decide on optional black tie for the Hall.

  48. Andrew: "Orgy is the first word you look up in a foreign language, isn't it?"

  49. Sibylle: "I'm going to leave it a bit hazy." Exactly what she was reminded of by the word 'orgy' will thus never be known, but she does go very red. She says she is, "finding it difficult."

  50. Jon proposes that whatever happens we will have won the Hall of Wars: F., 4, Ag., 1, Abs., 2.

  51. Vicky thinks her mother is female. With this vital point, we close the meeting, and Jon, who is already 10 minutes late, can remove this page from the t

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 1997.

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