Minutes of the Elevenses Meeting of 27/03/99

Held in R4, Pembroke College.
Present: Ben, Jon, Granny, Jeremy.
Apologies: Richard, Micheal, Kirsten.
Guests: Gina, Emily.

  1. A brief conversation with Ben arrives at the conclusion: Tourists! Grass! NO!

  2. The minutes are hurriedly printed (by Jon) and read (by Granny).

  3. Jeremy is paranoid about schoolyard songs.

  4. Vote to commend Gina's silver DMs: F., 2, Ag., 0, Abs., 2; carried.

  5. Lots of computer stuff ensues: Granny is trying to get his computer black, ruddy Goth... (ruddy! Get it? Oh, please yourselves... )

  6. The cakes are opened.

  7. We vote on whether or not Gina can vote: F., 4, Ag., 0, Abs., 0; carried.

  8. We discuss Anthony's dreams: Ben thinks we only need to give him 10 years or so...

  9. We discuss the C of E vicar who came out, and the prescriptions of Leviticus on those with different intimate recreational habits. Apparently it doesn't tell you to burn witches, either, but only people who pollute water, which gives us a fair remit in the industrial world...

  10. Ben discovers Clare Boothby's cuteness disclaimer under Jon's table and we discuss how necessary it is.

  11. Clare Boothby leads us to the subject of Assassins, because she once killed Ben; Ben claims not to be paranoid, except about the sky falling on his head.

  12. Vote that Jeremy is not a geek: F., 1, Ag., 4, Abs., 0; defeated.

  13. Vote that Granny is a geek: F., 4, Ag., 1, Abs., 0; carried.

  14. Vote that Ben is a geek: F., 2, Ag., 1, Abs., 2; carried.

  15. Random conversation is brought to a close by the arrival of an Emily!

  16. There are too many computers in the conversation.

  17. A minute follows which involves lesbians, New Hall and Compscis, but due to the Seceretary's transcendence of the usual conventions of written English, the connection between them remains obscure.

  18. We decide the Society is being far too sensible, and move that we write to someone silly: after much debate we settle on writing to Chris Timms, everybody's favourite CUSU Services Rep, to ask (a) exactly what services we can expect from him, and (b) for hunny sandwiches. We vote to mandate Jon to write to Chris Timms to demand these: F. 6, Ag., 0, Abs., 0; carried.

  19. It is suggested that Jon cuts his hair, but he calls upon Granny to wear the silly tie required of him by Society mandate first, and the subject is mysteriously dropped.

  20. Granny stands in for Jenny in the usual cake-eating contest. It is to be officially minuted that Jenny usually Eats All The Cakes.

  21. Jeremy checks that we've mentioned Dave Henderson.

  22. Emilies are discussed as desirable Cambridge social commodities. We think they are.

  23. We discuss people called Mark wearing skirts. Nobody is quite clear how we got there, but apparently Gina has three Marks-with-skirts, so she was probably responsible.

  24. Spoooooooooooooooon!

  25. Jon's Captain Beefheart screen-saver worries people.

  26. We attempt to discuss the Constitution, but are unable to settle where the current copy actually is: the most up-to-date copy is probably pinned to Granny's board. So we decide to talk about something else.

  27. Vote to allow Emily to vote: F., 4, Ag., 1, Abs., 0; carried.

  28. Vote to mandate me to find out about getting Poohsticks registered for Blues status.

  29. We use the power of the web to establish that Ben is officially attractive.

  30. The subject of blowing goats once more comes up, but is dismissed quickly.

  31. Granny may appear in various illegible things. All suggestions will be welcomed by the editor.

  32. Jon prepares vanilla flavour tea to great acclaim.

  33. Granny has built a train out of Jon's LEGO; that's why he's been so quiet for the last hour!

  34. The obligatory Testaments joke is made.

  35. Apparently Ben is actually 817, but has the body of a sixteen-year old. We discuss where he keeps it.

  36. The reading is: "In Which a Search is Organdised and Piglet Nearly Meets the Heffalump Again".

  37. Jon makes a tactical error with the old Pembroke yearbooks, since the person we were originally trying to find a picture of is quickly forgotten, the very lovely ex-President Tor once someone finds the pictures of Jon...

  38. It was Toby! [I have no idea what this minute meant, but it almost uniquely is clearly legible, so I record it for posterity. Ed.]

  39. We discuss Joy Ballantyne, who was sighted sitting between the didgeridoo players in Petty Cury this afternoon.

  40. Emily leaves. Many people hug her. The meeting is somehow not the same.

  41. The notes for this minute read, "Kirsten, underwear, B3," and memory, and indeed courage fail me when trying to work out what it may have been about.

  42. Vote to close: F., 3, Ag., 1, Abs., 1; carried.

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