Extraordinary Elevenses Meeting of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society

In which we consider punting to Venice.

Held on Tuesday 29th September in Roseanna's Room, Newnham.

Present: Carol, Alicia, Matt, Will, Roseanna, James via msn.

  1. 4.32pm – meeting opened.
  2. We discuss plurals: formulas, cannon and lemma.
  3. The ood-kitty may be called The Mister Cles.
  4. Will reads Ignatius’ postcard. Quietly. To himself.
  5. There are marmite-biscuits of win.
  6. Alicia is shocked and appalled at Matt and Roseanna’s being on Twitter.
  7. James says “hey” via the internet.
  8. Philology ≠ phrenology.
  9. “What’s James wearing on his head?”
    “A small toy poodle.”
    “That’s better than anything I could have imagined.”
  10. We read OTVII.
  11. A valuable lesson about xenophobia – the foreigners will get their revenge.
  12. Ed (Ignatius) has superpowers. 3-1-1-0.
  13. Alicia talks about creepy, old men.
  14. Discussion of punting to Venice, possibly via yacht.
  15. Will is good at emphatically telling people things.
  16. Will only now notices that the bottom of his trousers are ragged.
  17. Close. General acclamation.

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