Held at: 3 Botolph Lane, technically.
Present: Stephen, Vicky, Jon
Apologies: Ben. M. Parker (hockey), Angela.

  1. On arrival at 3 Botolph Lane the Secretary finds Stephen and Vicky unable to get in, because Tor has not managed even to be there long enough to let us in, and noone else is there. It is therefore decided to move the meeting bodily to Fitzbillie's, since Vicky has the treasury with her, and we leave a note and disappear.

  2. Acute shortage of space at Fitzbillies leaves us all squeezing into one tiny corner, which just about works until Sarah arrives, having followed the note.

  3. The problem of choosing from the menu so as to maximise the chocolate per penny causes deep thought to prevail over the meeting for several minutes.

  4. We have received a letter, which is now read, and we discover to our very great sorrow, that Tim, our beloved president, is resigning in a very eloquent, regreatful and calligraphic way. Tears are shed appropriately.

  5. Jon points out that this technically requires an E.G.M. next week to elect a successor, but as Sarah says, the way things are at the moment, this looks pretty unlikely, what with awkward requirements like there being more people there than there are offices vacant.

  6. Vicky confuses the words 'glutinous' and 'gluttonous' as the cakes arrive.

  7. Tapani arrives, and in default of either of the testaments, suggests we sing a song to open the meeting properly.

  8. Since we don't have a working constitution, we don't actually need an EGM to appoint a President, Tapani points out.

  9. Vicky thinks there is a sunflower growing out of the pepper-pot, but it turns out not to be so.

  10. Tapani reads the minutes of last week's meeting, which are officially too long: Sarah thinks we should limit Jon to twenty points.

  11. Tapani, as Foreign Secretary, thinks we should continue our hostilities against the Sheila and Her Dog Society (spit, spit). Sarah says that if Jon hadn't told them we were at war with them our previous covert campaign could have been continued, but now they know. Now we shall have to ignore them in a very blood-thirsty way.

  12. Tapani declares that our Finnish copy of Winnie-the-Pooh has had to be sold.

  13. Tor's absence is her making a stand, says Sarah, and it's in Trinity...

  14. Sarah nearly speaks Russian: it's official. She can't unfortunately say that she can't speak Russian in Russian. I mean obviously she can say it in English, or I wouldn't have known what she was talking about; that would be silly.

  15. A brief linguistic debate follows about what language sounds nicest, a dead heat being pronounced between French, Italian and Russian.

  16. Tapani mentions a six-hour Russian film he knows of: Vicky wants to know how much popcorn you'd need.

  17. We briefly discuss the shortage of College furniture, and Vicky's essay topic of Neolithic farming. Very briefly.

  18. It is proposed that Vicky be mandated to go to Heffers and purcahse the cheapest copies of Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner that can be bought. Votes for, 3, Against, 0, Abstentions 2. Motion carried, and she is so mandated.

  19. Tapani, Sarah and Vicky are enthusiastic about the idea of a Society trip to the opera, which will have to be arranged for a hypothetical debate, after we've talked to Huw, Society opera addict.

  20. Sarah's Godfather wrote her an impossible reference, she tells us: Vicky thought she said he ate it, but again it turns out not to be so.

  21. Next week's meeting will be held at 6 Grange Road, because noone else feels like volunteering. Meanwhile, votes to close: For, 4, Against, 0, Abstentions, 1.

Return To Michaelmas 1996

©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 1996.

Disclaimer: The views given on this page are those of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society and do not necessarily correspond to those of Pembroke College