Present: Ben, Vicky, James, Tony, Alistair, Sandy, Jenny, Helen, Andrew, Anthony, Alison.

  1. Meeting is declared open.

  2. James can do the Charlston (and has been known to when drunk).

  3. Vote proposed that James do the Charlston; motion passed but James refuses even in the face of democracy.

  4. Shall we go to Trinity library in order to see the original manuscripts of Pooh on view some time next week? Or shall we go to Stockholm for £175? Can we persuade Bill Gates to fund this?

  5. James can sing soprano (so he claims) but won’t do this either.

  6. Helen and Alistair pay their Pooh Levies, and since they both voted in the previous motion, at which time they were not full members of the society, the vote is declared annulled - just in time. James is very upset.

  7. Tony has a dinky little… teapot. Which makes a lovely cuppa. Thanks to Tony for being out gracious host.

  8. Ben has forgotten everything. He has lost the minutes somewhere in the wilds of Cambridge and has not sent the letter to Bill Gates - but he has bought a Disney Tigger with a fully sprung tail.

  9. Reminiscences about Old Pooh Soc lead to a pleasant thought: lets hold a trial - Jon will be tried for heresy (he’s got too much hair, you see - thanks, Anthony).

  10. Helen does a lurch, to demonstrate what Jon left us in.

  11. Natsci lectures make everyone fall in a jumble of arms and legs (I think - the conversation got a little confusing at this point).

  12. Vote to censure Ben for being completely incompetent (incontinent?!) and e-mailing maths questions at unearthly hours. Motion passed 8 - 2, 1 abstention.

  13. Ben’s never rigid. So Anthony’s Granny said.

  14. Shall we wage a war on the Catholics? Ben wants to send a letter to the Pope. Hasn’t this been done before?

  15. Helen is voted Christopher Robin and makes a short speech.

  16. The Lesson: in which Tigger is Unbounced. Read in turn by all members.

    1. Sandy hums in an accomplished fashion.

    2. Ben is bigger than Tigger when he does all his voices.

    3. Anthony sniggers and makes double entendres.

    4. Sandpits are like Gardies, Ben claims. They always follow you around. Wherever Ben goes in town, he ends up at Gardies. This suggests to me that Ben has never been to Arbury or Cherry Hinton.

    5. Brown sauce in Gardies is labelled: “This is Brown.”

    6. Alison won’t read it again.

  17. Motion: That Alison should become Alexander Beetle. In the face of Alison’s opposition to this, motion fails.

  18. Wednesday is the hall of War. Tactics are discussed. It is decided that we win. We have only to work out how. Mornington Crescent, wearing no clothes and hall pooh sticks are possible alternatives.

  19. Alison changes her mind: she does want to be Alexander beetle - vote re-taken and motion passed.

  20. Meeting to be held next week at 34 Panton St., Room 9, Helen’s Place.

  21. Meeting Closed, 7-2, 1 abstention.

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 1997.

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