Minutes of the Pembroke College Winnie-the-Pooh Society Freshers’ Squash I held on the 12/10/2002 in S15, Pembroke.

Present: Owen, Roz, Martin, Naath, Rosie, Neil, Rosy, and Hilary

Apologies: Richard, Neil

  1. We finally have the room and so Owen opens the meeting.

  2. The minutes of the poohsoc meeting held on the 6/10/2002 are read by Naath

  3. Skinning a cow is like liposuction

  4. Owen tries to make tea but forgets to switch the kettle on

  5. Owen the manages to leave a pound coin in the tea pot

  6. Owen then attempts to remove the coin with the knife for cutting the cake

  7. Votes to let visitors vote: Passed

  8. Votes to censure Martin for not bringing a cow: Failed

  9. KY jelly and cows

  10. Votes to censure the people who forgot to tell martin to bring a cow: Passed

  11. It’s Rosie on the phone

  12. Owen runs off to buy the milk as they everyone has forgotten to bring some

  13. Martin pays his pooh levy

  14. Roz is a performing clown

  15. Roz makes a fresher lick his elbow

  16. Everyone joins in

  17. Owen returns

  18. Reading: Introduction + In which we are introduced to Winnie-the-Pooh and some Bees, and the stories begin

  19. Tigger interrupts the reading

  20. Poohsticks Tuesday, 2:30pm meet at Pembroke porters lodge

  21. Next weeks meeting, 3 Selwyn Gardens, Rm. 1 Saturday 4pm

  22. The minutes of the Poohsoc meeting held on the 25/06/02 are read by Owen

  23. We have had at least 5 Satan worshipers here

  24. It’s an A.A. (Milne) meeting

  25. Naath claims to have an allergic reaction to teletubbies but it looks more like a phobia to us.

  26. Laa Laa is dead

  27. Rosie arrives

  28. Neil arrives almost immediately afterwards

  29. Rosie pays her Pooh levy

  30. Votes to prevent having more teletubbies at meetings than members: Failed

  31. Votes to censure Neil: Passed

  32. We should all wear teletubby costumes to a meeting in the future: Passed

  33. It has to happen at a meeting this term: Failed

  34. Votes to use George Bush as a Poohstick: Passed

  35. Votes to make George Bush an honorary Poohstick: Passed

  36. Votes to mandate Roz to do a petition: Passed

  37. Rosy, Hilary pay their pooh levies

  38. Votes that every one should dress up as cows soon: Passed

  39. Votes that it should be the week after next: Passed

  40. Owen loves cows

  41. Votes to make Neil the societies adulterous Woman: Passed

  42. Newnham sucks

  43. Votes to censure Roz for suggesting that to Neil: Passed

  44. Hilary - The Christening

  45. Owen - Furry Bear

  46. Naath - J.J.M.B.

  47. Rosie - Twice times

  48. Naath - If I were John

  49. Poetry writing contest

  50. Rosie was convinced that he was telling the truth

  51. The light is actually a dark

  52. Votes to chop open the person who looks most like a cow: Passed

  53. When we dress like cows Neil has to dress like an ape of his choice: Passed

  54. "Lets move onto something more jolly like Satan"

  55. Votes to censure all the people who sneaked out quickly: Passed

  56. Tooth extraction

  57. Votes to close: Passed

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©The Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society 2002.

Disclaimer: The views given on this page are those of the Pembroke College Winnie-The-Pooh Society and do not necessarily correspond to those of Pembroke College